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Monday, April 4, 2011

FA confirm plans to investigate outburst from Man Utd striker Rooney

03.04.11 |

The English FA say they will investigate the outburst byManchester United strikerWayne Rooney yesterday atWest Ham United.
Rooney marked his third strike in the 79th minute by running towards a TV camera and releasing a volley of abuse as he celebrated his goal with United team-mates within feet of a Sky cameraman and his assistant. Rooney was heard to use the F-word twice. He also appeared to be responding to somebody off-camera.
Sky commentator Rob Hawthorne immediately apologised on-air for any offence caused by the outburst. The FA are now obliged to look at film of the incident, which appears to be a clear breach of their rulebook. It says players should not bring the game into disrepute by using abusive language.
An FA spokesman said: "We will look at it. Obviously, we do not condone swearing directly at the camera."
Rooney’s blast was condemned by Lord Pendry, the former Shadow Sports Minister who is now president of the Football Foundation, an organisation which funnels £40million a year into the grass-roots game.
Lord Pendry said: "It is disgusting for youngsters watching television to be subjected to this vile behaviour.
"Even if the words cannot be heard clearly, it is not difficult to understand what is being said.
"Players should be banned and maybe in time, that will make them accept their responsibility to the young people who look up to them."

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